Monday, September 13, 2010

The oil pressure went bright red. I've removed the fuel pump and connected a pressure gauge.

Got the engine running using a lawn mower tank.

Pressure is good; the sender unit is bad.

Received the new sender unit last Friday...

During the road test the car was not running right and felt lean at cruising speed (Not smooth). I've opened up the carb and discovered a lot of mud. After cleaning and raising slightly the fuel level in the bowl, the car is flying now.

The hood safety latch was not catching; it is working now.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bumper brackets: Finished!

Sealed and painted. The grease is to prevent corrosion.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Rear bumper brakets...

Working on the rear bumper brackets...

After cleaning and weldable primer...

Punched some holes on the new part...

In place. Next: clean up, seal and paint.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The parking brake is fixed. This is a major pain in the *** to do. I had one on my parts car.

The tappets, ignition and carb adjustment are done. The front shield and fenders are back on the car. Today I am starting the replacement of the rear bumper brackets.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New rear view mirror installed

The rods are ready to be installed

New chrome balls

Both sides are done

The front suspension issue: The spheres are good, the height corrector is good also, but...

The line relieving the pressure from the height corrector was clogged solid. First time that I see this.

New line and new fitting. The front is smooth and goes down quickly using the height corrector lever.

The rear was way too high. This car is in good shape; the sway bar area is rust free. After tuning the suspension I've sprayed some oil to prevent rust.

Looks more normal now :o)